Jessie Beretta – This ‘ol town

I noticed at some point in my life that no matter where I came, what ever city, the bars and the people were all the same. Faces are interchangeable, names can differ. But every bar has the same types of people, characters. This song focusses on that one guy in particular, the one that could have had it all and still, at his old age dwells on what he lost a long time ago. The washed up man no one wants to be but had a story worth telling and listening to.

This man had lived a life of rock ’n roll. A life of drinking, partying, drugs and women. He took it to far and lost sight of that what really matters or at least, mattered to him at that time. The music! The reason he got into the business, into the writing and in to the touring was the love for the story’s he could tell. The love for the people who would listen. 

And now he’s here, speaking of that time, to you. The singular audience. Sometimes the best thing you can do for a person like that is listen. Just listen, don’t answer. You could just be the best thing that has happend to that person all night.