TRENTH releases new single in Amsterdam

Spoken-word-punkband TRENTH releases new single “GEBROKEN”

On the 27th of July, punkband TRENTH from The Hague will give a big release party in the Cinetol, Amsterdam, to celebrate the release of their new single “GEBROKEN”. The evening will present three underground bands, the other two being Lifeless Past from Amsterdam and Cosmic Debris from the near town of Leiden.

TRENTH has been building up a repertoire of the last few months with their live-shows, combining power-punk music with shocking poems that claim to have an upsetting effect on their audiences.

The new single goes along with a videoclip directed by French director Yannick Mourcia. Together with production company Yorick Production they have worked on an extensive videoclip around the theme of being “broken”, the central theme in the song. Few objects have left the set in one piece.

The song is recorded in the New Space Studio in The Hague, a new upcoming studio that helps upcoming artists to professionally record their music.

The mixing has been done by TRENTH, joined by an ex-member of De Kraaien, Chris Lippmann.

The concert, as well as the release of the clip and the song itself, will all take place on the same day.

Doors open at 20:00 and half an hour later Lifeless Past will kick-off the evening.

Tickets 10,- Cinetol, Tolstraat 182, Amsterdam