Postcards From Mars releases second double single ‘In Every Direction’

Postcards From Mars releases second double single ‘In Every Direction’ today, off sophomore album ‘ego death’

A month after the release of his first music in five years ‘The Others’, Postcards From Mars releases his new double single ‘In Every Direction’ today. All four new songs will be featured on his sophomore album ‘ego death’, set to be released May 12, 2023. Van Dalen’s new material dives deep into his psyche with a new vulnerability and more urgent sound, opening up a window into his insecurities, bouts of depression and the magical workings of creativity. Cathartically, what is inside comes crawling out.

The second double single of the new album is called ‘In Every Direction’ and is out everywhere today. The A- side ‘In Every Direction’ is a song about being stuck in a rut and the challenge to move forward again. The arrangement is soothing but fragile. The single also features an uplifting B-side called ‘Winter Time’. Two more singles will be released before the release of full length ‘ego death’.

After a couple years of intensively writing and touring with his other music project Donna Blue, Van Dalen got the restless itch to work on his solo material again. Together with friend and producer Roy van Rosendaal he set off to finish the collection of songs that will make up the very personal second album ‘ego death’.

Postcards From Mars is Bart van Dalen, a multi faceted producer and songwriter searching for what it means to be human. Drawing inspiration from otherworldly experiences, consciousness and the harsh reality of running into yourself, Van Dalen weaves together songs that range from intimate folk tunes to more psychedelic, rhythm driven arrangements.

Listen to ‘In Every Direction’ here, or anywhere else you’d stream music: For follow up questions or interview requests please send an email to